Monday, April 16, 2012

Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay



The essay itself proved to be more difficult than our last essay.  As far as planning and storyboarding went, it seemed like it was going to be an easier task than our last essay.  As I began to put the project together, that couldn't be further from the truth.  I think the biggest issue that I had with this essay was working with other people.  I could no longer create the video on my own time; I had to incorporate other people's time and schedule.  To make matters worse, I had people back out or simply not want to be involved in the video.  Fortunately, I was able to eventually get people involved.  After getting everything recorded that was necessary, I began to put the video together just to discover that there was an issue with the audio on some of the tapings.  Whether it was the camera I used or the building I taped in, I'm not sure.  There is a loud ringing that is rather obnoxious for the main actors.  I tried to figure out how I could get that taken out, but was unsuccessful.

Ultimately, I feel like I had a better time creating this essay.  I'm not sure if the subject played a part in it or if the style of the essay was the reason.  I don't feel like I really had to learn anything new when working on this project.  I feel like all the iMovie techniques I had learned on the last essay came in handy for this essay, but I didn't need to learn anything new about the process.  I used ducking and clipping and editing on this project just as I did the other.  The biggest difference with this essay from the last was that I used my own videos for the majority of this project.  Otherwise, there really wasn't a lot different.  I do feel like this essay had the response from the class that I was hoping for.  I intended it to be humorous and the rest of the class seemed to enjoy the comedic effort I had made.  It was a fun experience that, even though it was similar to the previous essay, was also different enough to give its own impression on me.

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